#Reeleezee Magento 2 Koppeling Version 2.0.20 - Php8.1 support - small fixes Version 2.0.18 - small fixes Version 2.0.18 - Create lockrun - Add setting for amount invoices for each run - add timeout after each invoice Version 2.0.17 - Fix if Magento products are deleted FAIL - The product that was requested doesn't exist. Verify the product and try again. Version 2.0.16 - Fix to continue to next invoice when fail Version 2.0.15 - Small Bug fixes Version 2.0.14 - Small Bug fixes Version 2.0.13 - Get invoices with InvoiceRepositoryInterface. - Massimport options possible with Unknown invoices - status 6 Version 2.0.12 - Typo fix setting for AccountReference Number - Fix redirect after mass import action Version 2.0.11 - Fix for bundle products only add the visible items Version 2.0.10